Helping you through life's stages.

Baby/Child Dedication
Baby/Child Dedication is a service for families (held 2x a year) where believing parents commit themselves before God, to raise their child according to what the Bible teaches and to point their child to a personal faith in Jesus Christ, by their words and actions.
As such, parents acknowledge that they are responsible for their child’s spiritual growth. We believe that coming to church as a family (and being part of a vibrant church community), nurtures a child’s faith in Christ.
For that reason, families that dedicate their children at Church on the Queensway, must be physically attending Sunday services here, for 3+ months. We look forward to celebrating your commitment with you at one of our upcoming Baby/Child Dedication services.
If you would like your family to be part of the next dedication, please fill out the registration form.
For answers to your question, please email:
Church on the Queensway offers a pre-marriage program to help prepare you for this big step.
Prepare & Enrich is a pre-requisite course that we offer, in which we talk about the many important issues that are best dealt with before the ceremony. Topics such as Money, Intimacy, Communication, Family, Expectations, and Love Languages are all discussed in a fun and engaging format. It should also be noted that this program is very helpful for couples in their first year+ of marriage as well. Couples will complete an online inventory beforehand and a trained facilitator will discuss the report with the couple at the conclusion of the course.
For more information please call the church (416) 255-0141.