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Evangelism - The Heart of Christ

Starting April 4th, Every 1st and 3rd Friday | 7:30pm - 9pm

Chapel | 3 sessions

The first 2 letters of the GOSPEL are “GO”. It is ironic because many of us that build our lives around the Gospel are Unprepared, UNwilling and UNder the impression that we can follow Christ and not GO and complete His mission here on earth. As we dive into the Book of Jonah we will learn the heart of Christ and take on our greatest mission in life, which is to Spread The GOspel.

Power of Prayer

Starting February 7th | Every 1st and 3rd Friday | 7:30pm - 9pm


Prayer is powerful! Through prayer we have the ability access the heart of God and gain the strength we need for every battle. Yet, many believers can find it difficult to develop and consistent and effective prayer life. Through these sessions, you will learn how to deepen your prayer life and utilize every tool in your spiritual toolbox.

35North Hike

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Psalm 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” Sounds like going on a Hike is a God idea. I know I’m being facetious but it would be awesome for us to get some exercise and fellowship with each other by going on an adventurous, safe, hike. We frequently plan various 5K nature walk, (appropriate clothing and footwear required for light trails) throughout the GTA. Fall, Winter, Summer. If you desire to be notified of such excursions please Register for this group to be kept in the loop.
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